The Chakra System..

The Chakra System..

Knowledge of the chakra system comes from ancient Indian texts.
These describe energy centers or Chakras in the body, with seven major points arranged along the spinal column. These seven chakras are used in crystal healing..
Chakras are spinning vortices that focus certain frequencies of energy. When a chakra accumulates stress it becomes less able to assimilate and direct the approriate energy into the body.
Each chakra has a particular focus of action but they are all interrelated. When one chakra becomes disturbed it can upset the functioning of other chakras. Over time this may contribute to physical illness or emotional upset. Depending on your surrounding and activities some chakras may be more active than others. It is best when healing to seek to achieve an overall balance in the chakra system, rather than focusing on only one or two areas. Each of the charas is linked with physical functions as well as emotional and mental states, and is also associated with a color.


    • THE FIRST OR BASE CHAKRA: is located at the base of the spine,  It is usually linked with the colour red.  Its main functions are physical survival, stability, energy distribution and practicality. The base chakra is linked to the adrenal glands.
  • THE SECOND (Sacral Chakra:) is situated in the lower abdomen below the navel.  Its colour is orange and its functions are creativity, feelings, sexual drive, pleasure and exploration.  It is related to the gonads..
  • THE THIRD  (Solar Plexus:) CHAKRA which is situated just below the rib-cage, Its color is yellow and it is associated with the pancreas and spleen. This chakra identifies and assists in the sense of identity, self-confidence and personal power.
  • THE FOURTH  (Heart Chakra:) is situated at the centre of the chest and associated with the heart and thymus gland.  Its colour is green and the hearts chakra deals with relationships, personal development, direction and sharing. 
  • THE FIFTH (Throat Chakra:) which is obviously situated in the throat! by the thyroid glands.  Its colour is blue its concerns are with all kinds of communication, personal expression, and the flow of information.
  • THE SIXTH  (Third-Eye Chakra:)  which is situated in the center of the eye brows, Its colour is indigo and it is linked to the pineal or pituitary glands.  It is concerned with understanding, perception,  knowledge and mental, organization.
  • THE SEVENTH  (Crown Chakra:)  which is situated just above the top of the head, linked to the pineal or pituitary glands.  Its colour is violet and it maintains overall balance of the chakra system and channels universal life energy into the system.  It maintains a sense of wholeness and stimulates fine levels of perception, intuition and inspiration.

The 7 chakras for beginners

Before diving right into learning about the seven chakras and what each of them do, take a moment now to tune in to your body and see if you can feel your chakras at work. For beginners, those chakra exercises may seem “odd” – simply go with the flow and soon, you will not be a chakra beginner any longer

  • First, start by making sure you’re in a quiet space. If you can’t be right now, just return to this section of the article later. But if you can, sit quietly for a moment and take a few deep breaths. Let tension and stress slide away for just a moment. Just be in the moment, with your body.
  • Now, bring your attention to the base of your spine, your tailbone, and imagine a bright spinning red light. Feel it pulsing and rotating with your breath. Sit with that for a moment. 
  • Move your attention up your spine to the area a couple of inches below your belly button. Feel the warmth of a bright, orange spinning light. Again, notice how it moves with your breath.
  • Guide your attention further up to a couple inches above your belly button. You’re probably familiar with this area, because when you feel strong emotions like love or fear, you likely feel it here. Notice how you can sense the intense yellow light rotating in that spot.
  • Bring your attention further up to the center of your chest where your heart is. This area harnesses a bright green light. When you’re touched or moved, you might instinctively place your hand over this spot. Connect with that area now.
  • Then, bring your attention to your throat, the dip in between your collar bones. Imagine a bright blue light spinning in that area.You may feel the urge to swallow or clear your throat as you think of it.
  • Next, move your attention up to the space on your forehead between your eyebrows, your third eye. This area holds a deep indigo rotating light. Imagine yourself becoming wiser as it spins and becomes brighter.
  • Finally, shift your attention to the very top of your head. Imagine a vibrant, spinning violet light that shines right out of the top of your body. This light connects you to the universe. Feel the peace that comes with noticing this light.


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