An introduction to Reiki healing
An introduction to Reiki healing
“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing, This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.
Reiki treatment
The method of receiving Reiki is simple. The recipient remains clothed and lies on a couch or sits on a chair and relaxes. The practitioner gently places their hands in a series of non-intrusive positions on or near the body. There is no massage or manipulation. The whole person is treated rather than specific areas. Sessions can take 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half, depending on the client’s needs.
What do Reiki treatments feel like?
Each person experiences Reiki differently depending on their individual needs at the time.What do Reiki treatments do?
Reiki is a safe and soothing treatment that can be:
The relaxing nature of Reiki can be very helpful to people especially at difficult times in our lives. We can all feel overwhelmed or disconnected, sometimes there is a real sense of isolation, both emotionally and spiritually. Reiki treatments can bring feelings of peace, centeredness and an ability to cope better with the challenges of life.
Reiki can be wonderful for pregnant women. Treatments can be very relaxing and enjoyable for the mother.
Children usually love Reiki. The length of a session is often shorter than it would be for an adult.
Animals also respond well to Reiki, they too seem to find it relaxing and soothing
In such cases Reiki can be a great comfort, helping to promote a sense of peace and acceptance for the dying and their families.
How much Reiki would I need?
A single session may be sufficient, but it is best to discuss this with your practitioner. For instance, if you have long standing emotional or spiritual issues, a series of sessions may be beneficial. In general if you find that helpful changes are taking place, it is a good idea to continue treatment.
There are no known contra-indications for Reiki. It is a non-intrusive treatment that can be delivered in a variety of settings and requires no special equipment.
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