The Chakra System..
The Chakra System.. Knowledge of the chakra system comes from ancient Indian texts. These describe energy centers or Chakras in the body, with seven major points arranged along the spinal column. These seven chakras are used in crystal healing.. Chakras are spinning vortices that focus certain frequencies of energy. When a chakra accumulates stress it becomes less able to assimilate and direct the approriate energy into the body. Each chakra has a particular focus of action but they are all interrelated. When one chakra becomes disturbed it can upset the functioning of other chakras. Over time this may contribute to physical illness or emotional upset. Depending on your surrounding and activities some chakras may be more active than others. It is best when healing to seek to achieve an overall balance in the chakra system, rather than focusing on only one or two areas. Each of the charas is linked with physical functions as well as emotional and mental states, and is also asso...