

REIKI ~ HEAL FROM WITHIN.. Love&Light Creations is now seeing clients     Healing with JoanneClare RELAX: RENEW: RE-BUILD: Reiki is a healing energy  that uses Universal Life Force to balance energy. for optimal healing and well-being of  Body, Mind and Spirit.. REIKI AND CHAKRA BALANCING SESSIONS..    PRICES                       15 mins distant Reiki ~ £10                                          30  mins distant Reiki  ~ £20 RESERVE YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME NOW!

The Chakra System..

The Chakra System.. Knowledge of the chakra system comes from ancient Indian texts. These describe energy centers or Chakras in the body, with seven major points arranged along the spinal column. These seven chakras are used in crystal healing.. Chakras are spinning vortices that focus certain frequencies of energy. When a chakra accumulates stress it becomes less able to assimilate and direct the approriate energy into the body. Each chakra has a particular focus of action but they are all interrelated. When one chakra becomes disturbed it can upset the functioning of other chakras. Over time this may contribute to physical illness or emotional upset. Depending on your surrounding and activities some chakras may be more active than others. It is best when healing to seek to achieve an overall balance in the chakra system, rather than focusing on only one or two areas. Each of the charas is linked with physical functions as well as emotional and mental states, and is also asso...

An introduction to Reiki healing

An introduction to Reiki healing “ Reiki ” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing, This tradition was founded by  Mikao Usui  in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence  Reiki treatments  can help the body emotionally or spiritually. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system. Reiki treatment  is a process that anyone can enjoy in the normal course of their life. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatment and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery. The practice is taught by Reiki masters / teachers who have tra...

Amethyst Healing Layout

AMETHYST HEALING LAYOUT! Amethyst quartz is one of the most versatile healing stones. This layout can be used in any situation where physical, emotional or mental healing is required. Most people find they can stay comfortably in this layout for up to half an hour. Try to match the size of crystals as closely as possible to give a balanced feel - odd sized stones may give a rolling sensation.. ☆ You will need 8 amethyst's of roughly equal size, evenly spaced around the body. If you have natural crystals place the terminations so that they are facing inwards towards the body. When you have finished you might like to place a grounding stone, such as smoky quartz or black tourmaline, in the center of the forehead to help you return to the present. Take time before you resume normal activities.. ☆ Amethyst is an ideal healing stone. As it balances and quietens the mind you may become aware of an increased imagination and ability to visualize clearly.. Amethyst can be...

Grounding And Centering

🌹G rounding And C entering🌹 In order to e effective when using crystals for healing, and in order to gain maximum benefit from crystal healing. you need to be centered and grounded. Grounding is a term that means you are solidly anchored in the present, with a certain inner stillness, a feeling of being secure, in control of yourself and alert. When you lack grounding you will feel nervous, unfocused, and unable to concentrate. When dealing with the energy of crystals and the healing process, being grounded enables you to "earth" excess energy and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed or "spaced out". Eating and drinking is an effective way to focus your energies into the physical body; A sip of water or tea and a biscuit is often enough. Chocolate will provide enough sugar-shock to bring you down to earth rapidly! Physical activity, such as stamping your feet, jumping up and down, doing some gardening or a similar task, are all good grounding exerc...

Crystals for Relieving Pain

RELIEVING PAIN.. Pain is the body's way of letting you know that something is wrong and needs attention. Very often pain is caused by an excess of energy of some sort, Using Crystals can help reduce pain to manageable levels by releasing blocks within the subtle bodies and stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms. In general, all cool-colored stones -blue, indigo and violet- will help to calm painful areas and restore the  natural  flow of energy in a  damaged area..                                                                                                           IF YOU CLICK ON THE CRYSTALS YOUR INTRESTED IN I HAVE PUT THE LINK ON THE ITEMS I HAVE LISTED FOR SALE IN OUR SHOP PLEASE ...

Reiki Disclaimer..

Spiritual healing and energy work are not a substitute for traditional Medical treatment, if you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are offered as part of my practice as a healing  minister of Chrysalis Ministries  and are not to be taken as medical advice but as spiritual information. I find that invoking angels and the guides that are relevant to the healers and JoanneClare 's personal spiritual paths does accelerate healing and recovery. My primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves and others, to Commune with Spirit Directly and to assist with Earth Healing. I Transmit attunements for many different energy work systems  and empowerment's from many paths including Crystal Healing Empowerment's , Companion Angel Empowerment's, Reiki a...